Associate/Youth Pastor
Karl Schmitke
For questions about our Youth Ministry you may contact Karl.
Email: karl.w.schmitke@gmail.com
Pastor Karl has a Bachelor of Science in Education from Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia and a Certificate of Biblical Arts from the University of Northwestern in Saint Paul, Minnesota
Marcy also graduated from the University of Northwestern in St. Paul with a Bachelor of Science degree in Education and a Certificate of Biblical Studies.​
Our family started attending Faith Community Church in 2010 while I served as the principal and fulltime middle school teacher at Chandler Christian School. I’ve been involved in youth ministry since 1990 and have served as a Youth Pastor in New Brighton, MN and as a Manager/Director at Lost Timber Bible Camp in Chandler, MN.
My wife Marcy and I have two amazing adult children that both live in Sacramento, California. We enjoy traveling with them on epic road trips all around the USA. As of this year, we have been to over 40 states together as a family, visiting as many National Parks and unique sideroad attractions as we can fit in.
Marcy and I have been married for 32 years and are still the best of friends. She loves books and children and serves as a librarian and teacher at Pipestone Area Schools. Marcy is a dedicated ministry partner, tireless hostess, and marvelous cook. She is the mastermind behind many of my most successful undertakings and she willingly co-leads with me on nearly all of our youth ministry trips.
We both love being a part of the remarkable ministry here at FCC and look forward to many years to come.
Karl’s Life Verse: Ephesians 3:20 “Now glory be to God, by His mighty power at work within us, He is able to accomplish infinitely more than we could ever dare ask or hope.”
Marcy’s Life Verse: Psalm 37:3 “Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.” This verse reminds me to Trust in the Lord! Do Good! Have joy and be at peace where God has placed me! And to let the memories of His faithfulness to me sustain me!